The cute blond in the cube behind me

It is 10 am on Wednesday; this is the first day in three weeks that I haven’t been running from the moment I arrived into the office. It’s a nice break and one that I am sure will not last. It is my fifth week in my new position and I am learning how intense client-service work can be and it is great!
Sure, I’ve been working long hours, getting up earlier than G-d, and reading more books than I have since grad school, but this is what I wanted… I am being utilized, I am being productive and I am appreciated (at least for the moment). We move up to the client-site on Sunday night and my life will shift yet again. It will take some getting used to: being in a hotel three or four nights a week, working solidly with a team of four people and interacting with clients who consider ME the specialist! I am sure I will love it.
Nikko has 1,300 miles on him (my baby is growing up so quickly) and he and I enjoy our 30 minute commute each-way to work; he’s a great listener and VERY dependable. I can always count on his blue “eyes” to calm my nerves and help me leave work behind. I don’t think he likes the traffic in Tysons so much, but he’s coping.
One of the real bonuses of being in a new office is being exposed to new people… OK, one new person in particular. He’s become my “buddy”, of sorts, and I can count on him for countless distractions and company at lunch. He’s adorable, my size, blond, blue eyed and sweet as can be. I don’t know if there is interest on his part, but a boy can dream… He reserves the spot next to me on a daily basis and arrives after me every day. Interestingly, saying good-morning to him every day has become a highlight of my day.
We will both be starting on separate client-sites come Monday and our daily interactions will be, obviously, limited. I’m going to miss him and I am going to have to do something to make sure I continue to have time with him… Now don’t get ahead of yourselves (yes, mother and dear knitter, I am talking to you), dating someone from work can be complicated and we don’t even know if he is interested.
I’m putting the wheels in motion and hoping that my intentions become clear, but not over-expressed and that he is receptive…