Friday, June 09, 2006

The security and comfort of friendships

Don’t you love cliché’s? You know, “when life throws you lemons, make lemonade” or “There is always a silver lining.” Well I had a lesson in the latter…

No one can say that what happened to me was lucky, but they can say that what I learned from it was. The “silver lining” …

It came in the form of friendships. What was done for me over the last 2 weeks goes well beyond friendships. I was taken care of in a way that is expected only of families: trips to the ER at 2 am, multiple nights at my house keeping me company and warding off the ‘demons’, taking time off work, having impromptu movie nights and slumber parties, sending cards, running errands, and most importantly – making me feel safe. It was in the arms of my friends that I managed to recover so well. Without them, I wouldn’t be in such “good” shape now (and by “good” – I mean relatively speaking.) With this I learned what is TRULY meant by one’s “chosen family”.

To the knitter, the lobbyist, the cowboy, the shrink, the Brooklyn red-head and the Godfather - my eternal thanks and gratitude!


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