Friday, June 09, 2006

Family Dynamics

It’s sad that tragic events need to occur in order to bring families (back) together. Think about it, how many times do long-overdue conversations have some variation of “I wish we had done this under better circumstances” tucked inside?

It seems to be a trend. It used to be that birthdays, anniversaries and weddings brought people out of the woodwork to celebrate. Now, funerals, medical emergencies and tragedy top the list. I’m the perfect example….

My divorced parents don’t talk. (Honestly, it is better that way since the ‘hard feelings’ haven’t completely dissipated.) The only conversations they would have had revolved around money or one person owing the other something; until now… Both my parents came out in support of me and in support of each other after I was mugged and beaten. This sentiment spread rapidly through my family. I’ve heard from my uncle in Hawaii more times in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 3 years; my aunt in SD has put aside the animosity she has for me and called just to show support; my mothers cousins have sent cards; and the list goes on.

Don’t get me wrong, all of this is great! This is the way “FAMILIES” should be, but why did we have to wait until I was almost killed (ok, that is a bit dramatic, but true all the same) before everyone came together in support of each other? Even better, how long will this last and will it have to another tragedy that brings us together or can we begin to share the joy as well?


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