Return to Fitness
Ok, I made myself a little promise… Once I was able to return to working out/swimming/whatever my weak excuse for attempting to get in shape is, I would stop writing anything about my run-in with a few of the fantastic citizens of the District back on May 22nd. So, officially (I hope) this will be the last time I bring it up; it’s time to move on.*
I returned to the gym last week and began with my usual “dedication”. I.E. I went to a few classes (pilates, spinning, an abs class), began attempting to run and fooled around a bit on the weights. After almost 2 months of not working out, I figured I could “ease” my fat ass back into the gym and not give it too much of a shock. (Who am I kidding, I have never liked going to the gym; this is just another in a long line of excuses.) Much to my surprise, things were easier that I expected…
I had company (my fantastic and amazing co-worker , FAC), which made all the difference. The big surprise however, came when, after spinning and doing a circuit of weights, FAC and I decided to have our body mass composition done. I had VERY low expectations and was pleasantly surprised when it turned out that I only have 8.4% body fat and am still considered to have “an athletic physique”. Amazing! Granted, I still feel fat, but I’m sure that feeling will fade in time as well…
However, the REAL winner is FAC. In under 4 months she has lost over 30 pounds, dropped numerous waist sizes, looks amazing and is happier. A true inspiration. It goes to show what dedication, positive thinking and the right support network can accomplish.
*I reserve the right to rescind that and comment whenever I want, and since this was only a promise to myself, I won’t feel like I let anyone down if I actually do make future comments.
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